Saturday, May 21, 2005

Stress-less Stitching

There's no reason to stress. It stinks that you have to start over on a couple of the pieces, but at least it isn't the sweater! There's no timeframe that you have to have them complete is there? If not, if you don't get everything done in one week, no big deal.

I finally finished two flowers. They are super easy and fast. The beading takes the longest. Here's a photo of the two that I've completed:

It feels good to actually finish something. It even made me pull out my magazines and look again at a sweater that I've had my eye on. Nothing started, but the thoughts are there. You've gotta start somewhere - right?

My follow through has been horrible lately. I've got to make more of a commitment to knit at least every other night during the week. Unfortunately, I think my dog and I look a lot alike these days during the evening - wiped out! I've got to find more energy to commit to my needles. We'll see how successful I am.

I've not received any information from the event in Atlantic City in September. I should go back to that site and see if they have posted a brochure yet. Even though it is four months away, it will be here before you know it! Let me know if you get anything. I wonder if the event will be at a Trump hotel. Atlantic City is so cheesy. It would be fun to stay in a super cheesy hotel!

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